Let’s add interactivity. Our world is animated, but these animations are predetermined. We can move our disembodied head around inside of it, with a full 360° view, but moving your head around isn’t all that much interactivity.
So let’s move beyond predetermined animations and make our world react in real-time to events, as well as teach this world to react to us as we interact with it. To do this, we need to create behaviors for our world: our world has to act, react, and interact with its various elements, as well as with the player moving and acting inside of it. These behaviors are called Scripts

The use of the word Script
should be no surprise to you. Unity uses language inherited from cinema to describe its universe: there are Scenes
with a Camera
on a Stage
that shows us objects made visible by Lights
. So it should come as no surprise to learn that actors in this world would have Scripts
attached to them that tell them how to behave. In fact, everything that you see in the heirarchy — yes, everything! — can have a specialized Script
attached to it. For example, a Camera
can have a script telling it to follow a player’s gaze as they move their head around: the XR Rig is an example of just such a script. A Light
can have a script telling it to change the angle of the sunlight throughout the day. And a Game Object
can have a Script
— even multiple scripts — telling it how to behave based on how we interact with the game.
These behaviors, these Scripts
are also known under another name that unfortunately scares people: these behaviors can also be called “programs”. Ah, programming — that vast infamous universe, always just outside of your reach. Let’s be clear: programming is cool, programming is even fun. But let’s also be honest: people are often scared of it — often rightfully so, because many programming languages are needlessly obtuse. If you try to follow a programming tutorial on the Internet or some random YouTube channel, you often find yourself quickly sinking into a verbose soup of overly complicated terminology. Hopefully not here. Let’s see if we can keep it simple.
So deep breaths. Yes, we are going to enter the world of the scary monster known as programming. And yes we can definitely slay this monster.
Visual Scripts | C# Scripts
There are two principle types of “scripts” used in Unity: Visual Scripts
and C# Scripts
. As its name suggests, Visual Scripts
are scripts that you layout visually, by connecting up visual diagrams of blocks, otherwise known as nodes or units. These visual Script Nodes
are fairly new to Unity, and were added by default starting with Unity 2021.1
. These scripts are fairly easy to learn once you know the basics of how they work.

The above “visual” script reacts to mouse clicks on a specific Game Object
and plays an AudioSource
, also placed on that GameObject
. If you look inside the Inspector
of the Cube
, you will see a LaserShoot
sound attached to its AudioSource
. So when I click on the cube, the script attached to that cube detects this mouse-just-clicked-on-me Event
) and subsequently plays the LaserShoot
sound. And finally, when I click outside of the cube, nothing happens because there are no scripts attached to the background.
By following the diagram and its arrow we see a very simple cause and effect chain of consequence: when (On
) the Mouse
clicks Down
on This
object → Play
the sound (AudioSource
). As you can see in the illustration, one of the advantages of visual scripts is that they animate this behavior inside the Unity Editor while the game plays, allowing you to better understand how the script reacts to the mouse.
The other, more traditional method for creating behavior in Unity is by writing out C#
scripts (pronounced “see sharp”) using code. These scripts are harder to learn, and are the principle type of scripts you will find on the Internet — including a whole plethora of overly complicated scripts that will needlessly confuse beginners.
Here is the exact same behavior as before, only written out using C#

As you can see from the above illustration, this second example written in C#
is a lot more complex, with all sorts of complicated terms such as using System.Collections;
or public class MouseLaser : MonoBehavior
or void
. There are a gazillion brackets, periods, and semicolons. And what the #@%$ is the meaning here of the word void!?
Indeed, this is the difficulty of learning C#
when you are a beginner: you will have to get used to a lot of terminology. That said, in the above example, Unity actually wrote most of the code for me automatically so it wasn’t really all that hard. I only wrote the actual behavior part of the script, which is the middle part:
void OnMouseDown()
Even if you don’t know how to read code, this C# Script
should still be somewhat readable to you: when the player clicks down on this object, get that object’s AudioSource
component (cf. Inspector
) and play the sound. For some people (myself included), C#
scripts are actually easier to read, and can often require less effort. There are trade-offs for either approach, and we will avoid wading into the endless (and pointless) debate here over which is “better”. Each approach has its advantage.
We will not be using C#
scripts for this tutorial. There are plenty of C#
tutorials on the Internet. Instead we will be using the easier-to-learn method of “visual scripting”, in order to reduce complexity down to its bare minimum. But once you have mastered the basics of this visual approach, you will have also learned a lot of the fundamentals that will help you to learn C# Scripts
Visual Programming
If you have experimented with interactive software, this Visual Script
concept might seem familiar to you. There is a long history of interactive and real-time performance tools that use a similar node-based programming approach; cf. TouchDesigner, vvvv, Quartz Composer, Unreal, Max or PureData. There are a lot of visual-scripting pedagogical tools such as Scratch that can also be used as game engines — these are often specifically prefered by beginners precisely because they do not require learning how to code: Construct, GB Studio, and Godot are some other popular tools used to make games.
It also seems like every time I search for VR tools, a gazillion new visual-scripting solutions pop up: one recent example is Patches. Notch is yet another.
3D modelling software such as Blender has been progressively adding Nodes to its various tools (cf. Blender Geometry and Material Nodes), and 3D CAD software such as Rhino has long used nodes via the Grasshopper plugin for designing parametric architecture. There are even web-based development tools such as Nodes.io for visually scripting JavaScript projects. And within Unity itself, there are now several node-based tools similar to this Visual Script
node system: cf. Shader Graph, Visual Effect Graph, and Animator.
New Project
Ok. Let’s make a Visual Script
. We’ll start with a new Core 3D
Unity 2021.3
Apple Silicon
. I will purposefully keep this tutorial fairly general, so hopefully these instructions will work over several versions without need for an update. Unfortunately Unity is always a moving target for tutorials. Whatever the case, you will need at least Unity 2021.1
(or later) for Visual Scripts
to be included by default.

Now create a standard Cube in your scene via Hierarchy
→ +
3D Object
→ Cube
. Note that I’ve rotated it 45°
axis by changing its Z
value to -3

For now, I am leaving the Cube
’s Default-Material
Embeded Script
If we press the Play
button now, our Cube
won’t do anything. Let’s change that. Let’s add a Script
and see how quickly we can get it to do something. Select the Cube
. Press Add Component
Visual Scripts
→ Script Machine
component inside of that list. Select it in order to add it to your Cube
This Script Machine
is not the script itself, but instead the Machine
that executes the Script
’s instructions. Think of the Script Machine
as the brain: it still needs a Script
to tell it how to think and what to do. The fastest way to add an actual Script
to this Script Machine
is to select the Source
: Embed
option. An Embedded
script means that a script will be applied directly to our object, and in fact, specifically to this object alone. Click on Edit Graph
, which should open up your first Script Graph
with two Script Nodes
already added for you by default: On Update
and On Start
. This Script Graph
is the visual diagram of how your object will behave.

As you can see from the above illustration, with Embeded
Game Objects
to do all sorts of things in Unity. You can even drag the components you wish to control directly into the window and Unity will give you a list of all the actions, options, and values that can be manipulated on that component. Here I have dragged the Transform
component, and Unity gave me the list of all the various ways in which I can Rotate(...)
my Cube
object. I opted to Rotate
using the Eulers
Relative To

Note that in order to keep my interface clean, I hid the Variables
Script Graph
As you can see in the above illustration, there is a connection flowing out
On Update
and into the green arrow input
Transform Rotate
node. There is also a similar green arrow ready to flow out
On Start
node, but nothing is connected to it. In fact you can entirely remove this node if you are not going to connect its flow into anything.
Each time you see a green arrow like this, it represents the “flow” of the Script Graph
. There can be many different flows. These “flows” are the actual moments when something gets done. “Flow” means “do something now” or “do something when”, depending on the context. In other nodal programming environments like Max or PureData this flow arrow is called a “bang”, i.e. “do something now” is triggered as if someone just pulled the trigger of a gun. If you press the Play
button, Unity will (approximately) animate for you the constant nature of this flow: the On Update
will flow out at approximately 60 frames per second, whereas the On Start
flow will only activate once, when the Script Machine
of this object appears in the Scene
for the very first time, i.e. at the “starting moment” whenever it is that this object comes-into-being.
You might have noticed that our two default nodes are called Events
. These events can be “when the game starts”, “when someone clicks on this object”, “when the player pushes down on a button or a key”, “when this object collides with another object”, and so on. One of the major differences between Unity and creative coding environments such as processing is that in Unity you will often develop your game by reacting to events, as opposed to generating them. In Processing you build your visual world up from scratch, starting with the most basic shapes, and then multiply those shapes by a thousand, ten thousand, or whatever evolutive process you want to explore. In Unity, you tend to build your world, and then wait for events that you can then react to.
Let’s add two events to our Cube
in order to illustrate this concept.

In the above example I have selected the Cube
’s Script Graph
, right-clicked on the background to open what is called the Fuzzy Finder
and selected from this list the On Mouse Down
and On Mouse Up
events. Each of these nodes will send out an impulse from their green outputs when the player presses down and presses up on our Cube
Let’s change materials to make this interaction visible.
Create a new folder named Materials
folder. Note the capital M
and the plural s
and the end of this folder. This is a Unity naming convention that will help you keep your Project
folder organised.
Inside your Materials
with three different colors. I’ve called my colors Hot
whatever color
with our mouse. We’ll use the third color (Default

As you can see in the example below, the component inside of our Cube
that we want to change is called the Mesh Renderer
. Currently the Cube
’s Mesh Renderer
has the Default-Material
listed as its first and only Material
. This value can change while the scene plays. We can modify it via our Script Graph
whenever a mouse Event
takes place interactively.

As we did before with the Transform
component, this time drag the Mesh Renderer
from your Cube
’s Inspector
directly into your Script Graph
. You will be given a list of possible choices. The one you are looking for is Set Material
. Duplicate this Material
change node and connect each one up to their respective On Mouse Down
and On Mouse Up
events. Each of these nodes should temporarily turn orange, as we have not told it yet which Material
to use. So drag your new Materials
from your Project
window onto each of the nodes: in my example I have set the Material
to Hot
when clicking down on the mouse, and to Cold
when clicking up.
Embeded vs Graph
Embedded Script Graphs
are good for quickly prototyping ideas but they are fragile things: they only exist on this single Game Object
and therefore if you delete this Cube
from the scene, your Script Graph
will be deleted with it. We should really save it’s graph as an independent entity in the Project
To do this, select your Cube
’s Script Machine
component in the Inspector
, and press the Convert
Script Graph
that you can independently save into your Project
folder. I have created a Scripts

Now that my script is independent from my Cube
, I can create a second Game Object
in my Scene
and use this same Script Graph
on it as well. Here I have created a new Capsule
and added a Script Machine
, but is now listed as Graph

Now when I press Play
the script applies to both Game Objects
, but independently, thanks to the This
keyword which allows each object to understand that the Material
changes only apply to the object iteself, independently of the other.