Stratifications was a hybrid class mixing painting and creative coding, created with the artist Jérémie Setton. In this class, we explored the generation images through a process of sedimentation, or “stratifications”, i.e. layering material progressively to generate an image. This on-line adaptation includes all the videos used to introduce students to the basic functions of programming with the environement P5.
Painting, Programming, Process, Step, Iteration, Ordering, Sedimentation, Stratification
One way to shape images on a computer are via covering, by layers, by strata - in an iterative process. Pixel by pixel, the machine produces the image. Unlike some graphics card processes, where shapes are “rendered” in parallel, that is to say all at the same time - linear stacking processes are more like more traditional practices, where a painter works layer by layer to shape their painting.
For the second part of this “Stratifications” module, we worked with the P5 environment to make shapes from parametric processes. Throughout the process we broke down the different notions, functionalities, and steps that help shape the images.
P5 is a programming language designed by and for artists. It helps you to create interactive images, lexicon:generative link:generativity) drawings, modular shapes and a whole bunch of other types of algorithmic works and objects.
P5 est une nouvelle « interprétation » du projet Processing, mais cette fois-ci basé sur une technologie ouverte, celle du web, plutôt que des technologies anciennes, fermées (et mourantes) comme Java. De la même manière, ces tutoriels mettent à jour les anciens cours cours Processing et profitent d’une nouvelle ouverture du project Processing avec les nombreux standards web initiés avec HTML5.
Paul Klee, Polyphon gefasstes Weiss
This course used the painting “Polyphon gefasstes Weiss” by Paul Klee (1930) as its starting point.

- Polyphon gefasstes Weiss, #140, Paul Klee, 1930
- JPEG Image
- Breakdown of the Painting
- Adaptation > P5 Editor
- Animated Adaptation > P5
- Animated Presentation, fullscreen
- Code as Creative Medium: A Handbook for Computational Art and Design,
Tega Brain & Golan Levin, MIT Press, 2021 - Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with JavaScript in p5.js; Benedikt Gross, Hartmut Bohnacker, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni; Princeton Architectural Press; 2018
- Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists; Casey Reas; MIT Press; 2004
- The Nature of Code; Daniel Shiffman
- Coding Train; Daniel Shiffman
- Coding Train - P5; Daniel Shiffman