
One of the most obvious forms of interaction we can design with in VR is the gaze: we are already wearing a headset, meaning that there is by default an implicit gaze. Given the current offering of VR experiences, I would argue that the gaze is an underdeveloped mode of interaction. This tutorial will therefore explore detecting where we are gazing — in a general sense at least — within our immersive 360° visual field.

Warning: designing interactions around the player’s gaze is a mixed bag. For one, there is a wide field of view and our players are potentially looking at many different things inside of this field of view. You need to be smart when you are designing interactions around the gaze. Think big targets. But more importantly, we do not look at things the same way we touch things, and fixing your eyes on an object in order to activate it is an inelegant, often physically uncomfortable, gesture. When I have to stare at an object to activate it, it can quickly feel like I’m embodying Cameron Vale in Scanners with my head about to explode.

Despite these fundamental problems, detecting a users’ gaze is nevertheless a simple concept to understand and often a good starting point for designing simple interactions in virtual reality without getting bogged down by complicated controller setups. Just be careful not to melt your player’s brain.

At the Media Design Master program at the HEAD – Genève we have built a lot of projects with VR, AR, XR, and whatever realities you want to add to that list. In 2021, my colleagues Marion Bareil and Pierre Rossel developped a series of projects with our students exploring how you could interact solely with your gaze inside of a VR world: cf. Imagining the City of Tomorrow. The following project by Alejandra Oros shows one such interaction using this modality.

For a recent class we taught together, Pierre Rossel adapted this gaze-detection approach into a simple series of scripts built with visual scripting: VS Gaze Detector. We will now use these scripts to add gaze interactions to Unity.

New Project

In my Unity Hub, I’ve created a new 3D project named Gaze but you can call yours whatever you want. I’m using Unity 2021.3; if you are using another version of Unity, these instructions should still work fine as long as you are using at least Unity 2021.1 or later.

Unity Hub - New Project

New Materials

Similar to the last tutorial, I’ve created a new Materials folder, and added (+) three new Materials to this folder. I have given my materials three distinct colors and named them Hot, Cold, and Default. I have also created an empty Scripts folder.

New Materials

Let’s create a new (+) Cube and apply the Default material to it.

Default Cube

Add an empty Script Machine to your Cube set to Graph. In the future, this Script Machine will detect whenever the player is looking at it — but for now its contents will remain empty. Once this Cube is ready with an empty Script Machine graph, we can import the Gaze Detection package to animate the object.

Import Unity Package

Go to Pierre Rossel’s VS Gaze Detector page on Github, and click on the Latest Release button. On this page, find the VSGazeDetector.unitypackage and download the file onto your computer.

VSGazeDetector Latest Release

Once you have downloaded this file, you should see a VSGazeDetector.unitypackage file ready for installation. First, make sure your Unity project is already open, then double-click on this package to begin the installation process. You should see a window open up inside of Unity, with a list of all the files that will be installed into your project. You can Import all of these files, including a handy tutorial scene that Pierre has prepared for you to demonstrate his tool. If you want a more minimal installation, you can select just the required scripts, as I have done in the illustration below. Either method will work for the following steps.

Install VSGazeDetector

When Unity has finished importing these scripts, you should now see them inside your Project folder.

Project folder

We are now ready to start using these scripts in our project.

Camera Raycast

In a 3D game engine like Unity, a Ray is an invisible straight line that shoots out into the 3D space. The principle reason this line exists is to detect if there are any objects colliding with it. Collisions can take place anywhere along the path of this Ray. Raycasts can therefore be used to detect if a monster spots our player: for example, whenever we cross this invisible line the giant dragon will rise up and start shooting fire in our direction. We can also attach one of these invisible rays to the center of our Camera and detect if an object enters into our “gaze”.

In the illustration below, you can see several white lines expanding out from the camera. This square pyramidal cone describes what is called the frustrum: this is a geometrical representation of the camera’s field of view and expands outwards from the perspective of the Camera. At the center of this frustrum we can see a brighter single white Ray expanding out several units, and in the illustration below is currently intersecting the cube in front of it.

Gaze Raycaster Camera

Pierre Rossel’s VS Gaze Detector contains just such a Raycast object that you can connect to your Camera. Open up the VSGazeDetector’s VisualScripts folder and look for the GazeRaycaster and MouseLookAround scripts. Drag both of these onto your Main Camera. The MouseLookAround script is optional, but will help us to test our script by allowing you to simulate camera movements using just your mouse.

Press Play and you should now see a preview in the scene view of a Ray shooting out of your camera as you move your mouse around:

Gaze Raycast

So far this doesn’t do anything significant. There are currently no instructions in our cube to describe how it should behave whenever this Ray intersects. Let’s add that behavior now.

Script Graph

Here is a screenshot of a new Script Graph that I added to the Cube. Note that we are placing this behavior on the cube that receives the gaze, and not on the Camera that sends out the Ray probe. This will potentially allow us to add multiple behaviors on objects of differing ilk, each being able to intepret in their own way what it means to receive the player’s gaze.

Cube New Script Graph

We have created four nodes in this graph, using our new events that we imported with the VsGazeDetector package above.

  • The OnGazeEnter event is fired whenever the Ray enters into collision with our Cube. Whenever this interaction happens, the Script Graph sets the Cube’s Material to the Cold material which we created earlier in this tutorial. As you can see in the illustration below, this interaction turns the cube blue.
  • The OnGazeExit event is fired whenever this Ray exits collision with our Cube. This changes the object’s Material back to Default.
  • The OnGazeStay event is fired repetitively as long as we remain interacting with our Cube. This concept of “stay” means “as long as this ray stays interacting with this object”. This Stay action fires the Rotation action and is repeated constantly, for each frame, approximately sixty times per second as long as we continue to gaze at the object.
  • The OnGazeTimer event is very handy and fires whenever we remain gazing at this object longer than a definable number of seconds. Here we have set this Delay value to 2 seconds. When this action fires, we change the Cube’s Material to the Hot color created earlier in this tutorial. In the illustration below, the cube turns red whenever the player stares at it for over 2 seconds. Since we do not need to constantly change this color, we have left its Repeat option unchecked.
Gaze Raycast interactions with Cube

XR Rig

Up until now, we have been simulating detecting the player’s gaze using the mouse. The VS Gaze Detector contained a script named MouseLookAround that you place on your Camera to simulate looking around in 360°. But what we really want is to be able to look all around while wearing a VR headset. So let’s convert our mouse-based project interaction into a VR headset interaction by activating the “virtual reality mode”.

Following the XR Plugin instructions, open the menu Edit > Project Settings, find the XR Plugin Management section and select Install XR Plugin Management.

Unity Settings Install XR Plugin

If you are using an Oculus headset, select the Android (cf. little robot icon) tab inside this tool and activate the Oculus option.

Unity Settings Oculus

We can now convert the default one-eyed-cyclops Main camera to a binocular VR-headset compatible “rig”: select the + button, choose XR > Convert Main Camera to XR Rig.

Unity Convert Camera to XR Rig

You can now upload your project to your VR headset and interact with the cube using the center of your gaze.

If you converted your Camera to an XR Rig starting from the previous steps of this tutorial, all of your scripts on your camera should have remained intact. If this is the case, press the Play button: you should still be able to simulate moving around your headset using the mouse or trackpad of your computer.

Unity XR Rig with scripts

If for whatever reason you started from scratch with an empty scene, open up the new Camera and find its XR Rig, then just drag the GazeRaycaster and MouseLookAround scripts onto your new Camera.