San Jose Mercury News Article

Douglas Edric Stanley


Just a quick note to say there is a short paragraph on my hypertable in The San Jose Mercury News this morning. You can read it here: link.

But what I really want to point out here is that — although it’s nice to be quoted in my hometown’s big paper (I’m still holding out for the Los Altos Town Crier) — the quote they attribute to me is not something that I would ever say, at least not with that wording. “What you need to know is that anything digital can connect to anything else that is digital,” what a load of crap. What you are reading there is what the journalist understood from what I said, and that’s a whole different can of worms. I’ve been interviewed by the press for enough years to know that they fudge things far more than any artist would ever dare to, all in the name of clarity. But in the process, they make some of us sound like idiots. Thanks for the publicity Joe (who’s actually a pretty nice guy, as these things usually go), but next time just record it, or leave it out, thankyouverymuch…