- Book: Processing 互动编程艺术 [平装]
- Author : TAN Liang
- Date: 2011
- ISBN: 7121134632, 9787121134630
I was recently given a copy of this book on Processing by Liang TAN. This is great news as Liang was an invited instructor during the 2009-2010 academic year at the Atelier Hypermédia where he studied Processing (amongst other things) and participated in the Mur Communicant/CityMedia project. While I don’t (yet) read Chinese, I was able to more or less read the book by studying the code and gleaning information from various keywords ; it’s not an expert book, more of an overview of Processing and probably would be a decent introductory text for students starting out with the environment. At least it does get into Classes/objects near the end and has some nice sections about Arduino, libraries and so on.
This is a pleasant validation for our collaboration between the Aix-en-Provence School of Art with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (广州美术学院). We are currently hosting our third invited instructor, Hong Rongman, who is also learning Processing as well as electronics and interfacing via Arduino and our own in-house Pinguino platform developed by Jean-Pierre Mandon.
Original Comments:
Thank Douglas! You took photos for the book very well.
Salut Douglas, Ca va? J’ai vu cet livre, c’est fort pour commencer d’etudier la programme en processing.