“Tout un programme”

Douglas Edric Stanley


So I got another mention in an Annick Rivoire article today, in an article on Art and Code. Actually, the mention came from her interviewee, David-Olivier Lartigaud who made the following comment :

A.R.: Pourquoi est-il si difficile de qualifier les créations de ces artistes ?

D-O. L. : A la base de toutes les oeuvres avec un ordinateur, il y a du programme. Beaucoup d’artistes, comme Claude Closky, s’intéressent au code, sans forcément programmer leurs oeuvres. Au contraire de la posture artistique d’un Douglas Edric Stanley, qui insiste pour que les artistes soient auteurs de leurs programmes.

Liberation Logo

I suppose I can’t really deny that. That is indeed a statement I’ve made in the past: that computer art requires a computer program of some form or another. I’ve also insisted that artists should do their own coding. But that’s always been a provocative statement, designed to make a point, to invite artists to reflect on the ideology of code, and not a moral recipie for how-to-make-art. I’m not a moralist. I’m too Nietzschean for that. And Claude Closky’s brilliant, so I’ve definitely got nothing against him. But oppositions help to understand the dynamics of a specific problem, so I suppose its ok if David needs to polarize me in this way. I suppose I also deserve it.