Workshop in Puglia

Douglas Edric Stanley


I will be in Italy next week (from Saturday evening to Wednesday morning), in the Puglia region, for a mini-workshop (Monday afternoon + Tuesday morning) on the usual: code-based art, using development tools in an artistic context, interactive installations, and the type of work we do at the Atelier Hypermédia. Of note, I will be presenting the tools we use, and in that mix will be OpenFrameworks, which might be of interest. It unfortunately is a very short workshop (not even a real workshop if you ask me), so I wouldn’t suggest crossing Italy to come, but if you’re in the region or at the festival, drop by and we’ll talk about how these tools are used.

To be honest, I’ve never been to Italy, and when Seconde Nature invited to sponsor my trip, I said to myself why not? At least the context looks pleasant.

Here is a presentation in English, French and Italian (I cannot confirm the validity of the Italian translation ;-) :

Since 1998, The Atelier Hypermédia in Aix-en-Provence has been developing tools and procedures for creating art via algorithmic means, be it physical, networked, mediatic or social. This involves, principally, teaching young artists the nature of the most popular algorithmic machine — the digital computer — and exploring what sort of work can be created when we are no longer tied to pre-baked software. This short workshop will begin with a presentation of the Atelier’s tools and working methods, followed by an open discussion and demonstration for participants wishing to explore creative production in the domains of: code|art, networked objects, algorithmic media, experimental interfaces, and (last but not least) play. Time and space has also been reserved the following morning for participants wishing to spend more time exploring these tools in a practical context. Three open platforms for artistic production will be used during this mini-workshop: Processing, Arduino, and OpenFrameworks. To participate in the workshop please make a reservation at the Meeting Point.

Depuis 1998, l’Atelier Hypermédia à Aix-en-Provence conçoit des outils et méthodes de création artistique dans un monde de plus en plus traversé par la question de l’algorithme : que ce soit physiquement, à travers les réseaux, dans les médias, ou via les relations sociales. La plupart du temps, cette activité implique l’apprentissage des contours techniques et idéologiques des machines algorithmiques les plus utilisées aujourd’hui : les ordinateurs. L’objectif, par contre, n’est pas la technicité, mais plutôt l’exploration des nouvelles possibilités qui s’ouvrent dès lors que l’artiste refuse la posture du consommateur de logiciels. Ce court workshop, commencera par une présentation des méthodes et outils de travail de l’Atelier Hypermédia, suivi d’une discussion ouverte, accompagné de démonstrations pour des artistes voulant explorer la création artistique dans des domaines telles que : le code|art, les objets orientés réseau, les médias algorithmiques, les interfaces expérimentales, et enfin, les jeux. Du temps et de l’espace sera également consacré le lendemain matin pour les participants voulant passer plus de temps avec ses approches. Trois plates-formes ouvertes, conçues pour et par des artistes, seront utilisées pendant ce mini-workshop : Processing, Arduino, et OpenFrameworks. Pour participer au workshop, merci de bien vouloir réserver votre place au Meeting Point.

Dal 1998 l’Atelier Hypermédia di Aix-en-Provence (Francia) ha sviluppato delle utilità e dei metodi di creazione artistica in un ambiente, che si esso fisico, sociale, virtuale o mediatico, sempre più segnato dalla questione numerica e dagli algoritmi. Nella quasi totalità dei casi la padronanza di questi ambienti dall’apprendimento degli algoritmi e dalla padronanza dei software: in poche parole da una conoscenza approfondita del computer. L’obiettivo, tuttavia, non è il tecnicismo ma l’esplorazione delle nuove possibilità che si aprono nel momento in cui l’artista rifiuta il ruolo di consumatore passivo di software. Il workshop comincerà con una presentazione dei metodi e delle utilità di lavoro dell’Atelier Hypermédia; seguirà una discussione aperta accompagnata da dimostrazioni per gli artisti che vogliono esplorare la creazione artistica nei seguenti ambiti: codice/arte, oggetti in rete, media algoritmi, interfacce sperimentali, e i giochi. Per chi volesse approfondire, inoltre, queste tematiche potrà richiedere la continuazione del workshop nella mattinata del 27 maggio. Durante il workshop saranno utilizzate tre piattaforme libere: Processing, Arduino, et OpenFrameworks. Per partecipare al workshop è richiesta l’iscrizione presso il Meetng Point.