- Conférence: Karsten Schmidt (aka [Toxi][1])
- Date: mardi 12 octobre 2010, 16.00
- Lieu: [Auditoire](), [Head][2] – Genève, 15 Bd James-Fazy ([carte][3])
- Workshop: du 11 au 15 octobre 2010
- Lieu: [Head][2] – Genève, [HEPIA][4], 4 rue de la Prairie (2e étage)
Karsten Schmidt and I are currently teaching parallel workshops at the [Master Media Design][5] in Geneva. I’m basically teaching the basics of Processing and introducing the core principles of algorithmic design, whereas Karsten is working on data visualization and doing what he does best.
For those in town, he will be giving a conference tomorrow (Tuesday) at the main HEAD building Blvd James-Fazy 15. The following text has been copy/pasted from the official Media Design website.
Karsten Schmidt (aka toxi), is a London based computational designer merging code, design, art & craft skills. Originally from East Germany and starting in the deep end of the early 8-bit demo scene, for the past 2 decades he’s been adopting a trans-disciplinary way of working and been laterally involved in a wide range of digital disciplines. With his studio [PostSpectacular][7], he is actively exploring current possibilities at the intersection of design, art, software development and education and applying these in a variety of fields. His talk entitled «Polymorphism & open source design» will deal with the process & philosophical shifts of creating new design tools and understanding technology as an activity rather than a set of consumable objects.
Karsten Schmidt (aka toxi), né en 1975 est designer et programmeur. Originaire d’Allemagne de l’Est il est basé à Londres où à travers son studio [PostSpectacular][7] il explore le potentiel d’une activité transdisciplinaire, touchant à un large éventail de disciplines entre design, art, développement informatique et enseignement. Sa conférence intitulée «Polymorphism & open source design» traitera du processus de création de nouveaux outils de design, des changements philosophiques que cette création implique, et de l’appréhension de la technologie comme activité plutôt que comme ensemble d’objets consommables.

Original Comments:
Ricky Tan
cool course!!