Semaine thématique : édition

Douglas Edric Stanley


Semaine thématique sur l'Édition

Just a quick note that this week is the Semaine thématique sur l’édition at the Aix-en-Provence Art School, i.e. another one of these week-long seminars we organize four times in the year. This week’s theme is « Édition », or publication, which ranges from fanzines to blogs and wikipedia. Josué Rauscher, Jean Cristofol, and I organized this series, although Josué ultimately had the final word as this subject directly concerns his Atelier Édition Numérique.

This morning we had a sociology doctoral canditate discuss his research on Wikipedia, then some artists in the afternoon speaking about their print-based magazine using an open-contributions model. Tomorrow I’ll be speaking very briefly before introducing Pierre-Erick Lefebvre and Cuicui (yeah! kick ass man!). And tomorrow afternoon Régine Débatty of we-make-money-not-art — very cool — will arrive to check out the school and talk about her blog on wednesday morning. And finally we’ll have [Isabelle Vodjani](isabelle vodjani) of Agglo and Denis Chevalier from Éditions è®e.

Manège psychorotatif, École Supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence

A busy week which will also include a jury meeting from Arborescence and a first presentation of the spéctacle psychorotatif the second year students have been working on. I have only been doing some minor collaborations on that last project, so I’m in the dark as to how it will turn out. But so far the object itself looks pretty ominous, and I like ominous…