For the Short Cuts exhibition Antonin Fourneau & Douglas Edric Stanley curated a playful collection, linking early digital works by artists such as Karl Gerstner, using toys, tablets, and gadgets such as Lite-Brite, Gameboys, and magnetics tablets.
- Installation: Retrocompatible Museum
- Artists: Antonin Fourneau & Douglas Edric Stanley
- Joysticks: Moripad, Ghostpad, BitTwiddler
- Exhibition: Short Cuts
- Museum: Pasquart Kunsthaus, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
- Curator: Daniel Sciboz
- Scientific Advisor: Jean-Louis Boissier
- Exhibition Artists: Yacoov Agam | Giovanni Anceschi / Serena Cangiano / Davide Fornari | Samuel Bianchini / Sylvie Tissot | Davide Boriani | Marie-Julie Bourgeois | Thibault Brevet | Gianni Colombo | Cod.Act | Carlos Cruz-Diez | Angel Duarte | Jean Dupuy | Matthew Epler / The ReCode Project | Free Art and Technology (F.A.T.) Lab & Synaptic Lab | Antonin Fourneau / Douglas Edric Stanley | Martin Fröhlich | Karl Gerstner | Piero Gilardi | Gruppo T | Gramazio & Kohler and Raffaello D’Andrea in Cooperation with ETH Zurich | Gysin & Vanetti | Leander Herzog | Hervé Huitric / Monique Nahas | Esther Hunziker | Piotr Kowalski | Jürg Lehni | Julio Le Parc | LIA | Manfred Mohr | Véra Molnar | François Morellet | Yugo Nakamura / William Lai | NORM | Giorgio Olivero / Fabio Franchino – ToDo | Julien Prévieux | Casey Reas | Rafaël Rozendaal | Selena Savić / Philipp Lammer / Gordan Savičić | Jesús Rafael Soto | Takis | Atsuko Tanaka | Troika | Ensemble Vortex | Yvonne Weber
At a time in which the digital is omnipresent, the interdisciplinary group exhibition Short Cuts highlights the dialogue between two generations of artists who operate between art, design and technology. This comparison makes clear how technology and its influences are present in the electronic arts of our own times as well as in the concrete and kinetic art of the 60s and 70s. In these works we see graphic design, algorithms, innovative production processes of series and new kinds of aesthetic forms. Comparable with the view through a kaleidoscope, the exhibition allows access to a variety of formal and discursive approaches which refer to the interplay between the increasingly digitalised world in which we live and artistic practices influenced by digital media.

BitTwiddler is an evolution of the bitPong installation exhibited at the Fondation Vasarely, only instead of hexagons, the game plays with a digital reproduction of Karl Gerstner’s Grand Oeuvre which is transformed into a Swiss modernist precursor to Steve Jobs’ Breakout.

Gameplay screenshot by Nicolas Nova. Cf. Short Cuts Between Art, Design and Technology.