Gameboy vs. ENIAROF

Douglas Edric Stanley


ENIAROF 0.2 Video Arcade Emulator

I’m madly editing videos and posting them on the ENIAROF account on YouTube. When I’m finished, I’ll post them all here. Videos from the other attractions, for example from the AmaZiNg mUd wResTlInG or the Cabaret Cui Cui will be posted by other ENIAROFers on the same account. We have also started an ENIAROF Flickr pool and people have started adding their photos.

While you wait for all that wonderful media, you can amuse yourself here with the ENIAROF 0.2 Video Arcade Emulator. You can play it directly online here (link), just scroll down to « ENIAROF 0.2 Video Arcade Emulator » and click « PLAY! ». Or you can download the file file here (link), for which you will need a Gameboy Emulator.

Don’t expect much. It’s quick & dirty and was built in my free time (not much) during the ENIAROF Workshop.

Source code will follow once I fix a little bug in the serial communication (for those using my uart.gba code, note that I am currently writing into the wrong serial register — I found the error, I just need some free time to fix it). I also need to make a nicer Processing client for GBA<>Processing communication.

Special thanks goes to Manuel Braun and Stéfan Piat who created all the icons and sweated over adapting them to the tile-constraints of the Gameboy.