- CD-Rom + Installation: La Revue Virtuelle : Actualités du virtuel
- Director: Jean-Louis Boissier
- Producer: Martine Moinot, Centre Georges Pompidou
- Video producer: Béatrice Selleron
- Interface design: Fabien Lagny
- Interactive illustrations: Douglas Edric Stanley
- Video: Virtual Review Illustrations
The Virtual Review was a theoretical think tank looking into the evolutions of digital media (games, scientific simulation, immersive systems, computer art installations, etc) from the unique perspective of a major French cultural center, the Centre Georges Pompidou. Various theoreticians, artists, historians, researchers and developers were invited, resulting in this CD-Rom.
My job was to produce everything “to the left” of the textual commentary. Through the video, you can see the two principle forms of interaction with the video sequences.
I realized that many of the live, as well as computer designed, images could be rendered “interactive”. Slowly the idea of images as digital marionettes evolved, leading to subsequent forms explored in Asymptote and La morsure.