This is an itsy-bitsy post. Just to let people know that Antonin Fourneau and I will be speaking tomorrow (damn! there we go again, make that today) through visioconference and various high-tech remote technologies (i.e. Ben Chang’s hand) to the students of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago as part of the Transatlab. We will be speaking at 17h00 Aix-en-Provence time, 10 AM Chicago time. Here’s the official announcement:
_By day, the Atelier Hypermedia explores the relationship of algorithms to plasticity, and situates itself somewhere at the intersection of generative cinema, modular imagery, interactivity, robotics, simulation, physical computing, networks and play. On off-days it doubles as theoretical partner in the investigation of post-cybernetics and slow real-time systems as the research group PLOT. And by night it wanders further into unknown territories via the monster that is « ENIAROF » — a singular form of attraction for the emerging digitalkaiju culture. At exatly 48 hours before the unveiling of its latest orchestrated public accident, Douglas Edric Stanley and Antonin Fourneau will present « The-Thing-That-Was-Called-ENIAROF », along with other notable productions of the Atelier Hypermédia, though a video conference with the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. November 29th, 2006. 10:00 CST / 17:00 CET.
Oh, why « Transatlab » ? Well, of course, officially we were thinking of something like this:

But in reality, it’s probably something more like this:

…and maybe even this: