- symposium: Locus Sonus « Audio Sites »
- speakers: Sebastien Gallet, Samuel Bordreuil, Fabien Vandamme, Claire Renier, Jason Geistweidt, Éric Maillet, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Jean Cristofol, Élie During, Pascal Broccolichi, Björn Eriksson, …
- location: École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence

I am currently at the third Locus Sonus symposium, listening to Samuel Bordreuil talk about landscape and strategies for urbanist intervention. Terms such as « contraction » and « abstraction », « landscape », and « taskscape », and so on. This morning I caught the last half of Bastien Gallet’s talk where he discussed the ontology and politics of sampling. On the one hand, he apparently situates sampling outside of its technological configuration — as an artistic gesture or logic —, and yet on the other hand smack-dab in the middle as it is the place out of which the gesture becomes political (with implications in the Real of the social), eventually creating a community of samplers that did not need Public Enemy to become a political in act, even if the latter did make this political layer visible.
I will be part of a « table ronde » (oh god, why did I say yes to yet another round table - hate those) tomorrow afternoon. As I have class tomorrow morning and today I have been with the Plotsème theory group, I haven’t followed everything so I don’t know how much I’ll really have to say. But I’m so busy I didn’t have time to prepare anything, hence we decided for a speech-lite.
Update: I’m listening now to Brett Balogh, an exchange student from our collaboration with the Chicago Art Institute. He is doing lovely things with very simple circuits, working mostly with oscillation albeit filtered by feedback loops with the space itself, etc.